Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Early Pregnancy Symptoms

One of the top Google topics in the world is early pregnancy symptoms. The rate at which people are getting pregnant all over the world is immense. At the moment, girls as young as 12 years are engaging in active sexual intercourse. While the legal age for consent in most countries is 18 years, it is virtually impossible to monitor the sex lives of the children out there. This is not to mean that the topic is not popular among older people. As such, this article seeks to explore the common early pregnancy symptoms.  

Prickling and tingling nipples are the first common sign of early pregnancy. Often, tingling nipples occur about one week after conception since the pregnancy hormones start increasing the blood flow to your nipples. The sensation tends to subside as you get used to it and as the body adapts to the new condition. Changes that occur in the nipples is one of the earliest pregnancy signs that an individual can look for. Later on as the pregnancy progresses, most of the women normally experience swollen breasts, which become increasingly tender to touch. However, this occurs later on, approximately 6 weeks into the pregnancy. Some women may notice that the breast become fuller and some bluish veins may be visible. The tenderness of breasts usually occur in greater intensity during the first trimester. The intensity of tenderness also tends to dwindle during the 2nd and the 3rd trimesters.

Spotting and cramping is one of the other early pregnancy symptoms. Spotting often occurs during the early stages of pregnancy as a result of implantation. Once the egg is implanted into the uterus, one may experience very light bleeding and blood spots in the panties. Spotting may also occur around the time when you normally expect your periods. Often, this is the result of hormonal changes as the body adapts to the pregnancy. As such, spotting can be used as one of the earliest tell signs of pregnancy. 

In addition, the occurrence of morning sickness and general nausea is a sign that the woman is pregnant. Morning sickness usually does not affect every woman; the lucky ones usually escape unscathed. However, most of the women begin getting nausea once they become pregnant. In fact, one of the most common and public signs of pregnancy is the occurrence of morning sickness. In general, nausea can occur in the morning, during the day and at night. Often, the woman may vomit all over the place and experience headaches.

Fatigue and a need to pee frequently often accompany pregnancy during the early stages. As an early pregnancy symptom, peeing frequently may not be very conclusive. The need to pee usually increases as the pregnancy progresses. Often, it is attributed to the fact the baby rests on the urinary bladder therefore its inability to hold urine for long. In addition, due to the pregnancy hormones, a larger volume of blood is produced in your body. In essence, this means that the kidneys are working extra hard to clean the blood in the body. It is the body's way of protecting the baby as well as the mother from toxic substances within the blood. Fatigue on the other hand is a common symptom, as the body prepares for the baby, various changes occur within your internal system.

As the changes occur within your body, one of the early pregnancy symptoms is the darkening of your nipples. This is normally lumped together with the skin color changes that afflict most women during the period of pregnancy. The vagina may also change in color growing to purplish or red. The hormonal changes that occur as a result of pregnancy usually vary from one person to the next.  

The surest early pregnancy symptom is the missing of your period. Before we explore this particular early pregnancy symptom, it is important to note that not every time that an individual misses their period, they are pregnant. Women can have irregular periods, which occur at different times of the year. That being said, missing your period is often a sign that implantation has occurred. This changes the hormonal imbalance of the body therefore leading to the absence of the period. However, the surest way to determine if you are pregnant is by taking a test, preferably at a medical center or facility. 

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